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Archive for the ‘Haiku contests’

Steelers/Bills haiku contest winner

December 05, 2010 By: Admin Category: Haiku contests

Oops!  I just realized that I never announced the winner of last week’s Steelers/Bills haiku contest.

We had lots of good entries last week.  So without further ado, here are the top entries:

In third place was Alejandro Alvarez.  Alejandro wrote this very nice haiku.

A strong beginning
Later, false hope for the Bills
Expected finish

Second place goes to Coral for this entry:

One dropped end-zone ball
One perfect kick by Suisham
That was a close one

This week’s first place winner, and the winner of the prize is John#21.  John wrote this excellent haiku:

Red zone woes again
Three points in the second half?
Stevie - It’s all God!

John#21 wins a copy of Merril Hoge’s book “Find A Way”.

Please click on the “Contact us” tab on our blog and send us an e-mail to let us know where to mail your prize, or send us a private message on Facebook with your mailing address.

(Please note:  Prizes come directly from the publisher.  Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery)


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Steelers vs Bills haiku contest

November 30, 2010 By: Admin Category: Haiku contests

The Steelers won an action packed, nail-biter overtime game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday.  Now it’s time for fans to capture the key elements of the game in a haiku.

The contest rules are simple. You must summarize the Steelers-Bills game in a haiku. A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that contains only 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Typically, haiku do not rhyme.

Please note, the emphasis is on syllables, not words. Remember, 5/7/5.

I start the competition by offering a haiku of my own. Then you readers write a haiku of your own to try to beat mine. On Thursday I will announce this week’s contest winner. But remember, your haiku has to be better than mine.  If none of your entries are better than mine, then I take home the prize.

Here is my entry:

Went from a blowout
To almost losing the game
Thank you Steve Johnson

The winner of this week’s contest is going to win a copy of the book “Find A Way” by former Steelers player and current NFL analyst Merril Hoge.  It’s a great book that belongs on the bookshelf of any Steelers fan.

This week’s prize

Okay readers, your turn.  Lets see who can come up with the best haiku about the Steelers-Bills game.

Are you ready for some haiku?!!

(Note:  Prizes come directly from the publisher.  Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.)

This week’s featured item:

With the holiday’s coming, Steelers gear is sure to be on everyone’s shopping list.  We all know that ladies love the Steelers.  So why let her wear your boxy mens’ gear, when you can buy her this Steelers jacket that’s designed especially for women?

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Steelers vs. Raiders haiku contest winner

November 28, 2010 By: Admin Category: Haiku contests

Sorry that I’m late with the winner of last week’s haiku contest.  I also didn’t get to write this week’s game preview.  As you may have guessed, I was away enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with family.  But I’m back now.  I hope my readers will forgive me for missing a few posts.

We have a surprise winner of last week’s haiku contest.  I’m sure that when this reader submitted his haiku, he thought that he was submitting a joke entry.  However, when I read it, I felt that it actually did a great job of capturing what happened in the game, and the sentiment of most Steelers fans about what was happening during the game.

This week’s winner is Jimi Glancy Jr.  He wrote this very simple, yet accurate recap of last week’s action.

Flags flags flags flags flags
fights flags fights fights flags flags flags
#^$@%$  Roger Goodell!

Congratulations Jimi.  That was simple, yet elegant.

Please click on the “Contact us” tab on our blog and send us an e-mail to let us know where to mail your prize, or send us a private message on Facebook with your mailing address.


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Steelers vs. Raiders haiku contest

November 22, 2010 By: Admin Category: Haiku contests

The Steelers won an action packed, physical, penalty-filled game against the Oakland Raiders on Sunday.  Now it’s time for fans to capture the key elements of the game in a haiku.

The contest rules are simple. You must summarize the Steelers-Raiders game in a haiku. A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that contains only 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Typically, haiku do not rhyme.

Please note, the emphasis is on syllables, not words. Remember 5/7/5.

I start the competition by offering a haiku of my own. Then you readers write a haiku of your own to try to beat mine. On Thursday I will announce this week’s contest winner. But remember, your haiku has to be better than mine.  If none of your entries are better than mine, then I take home the prize.

Here is my entry:

Neither flags by refs
Nor blows by Richard Seymour
Could stop our Steelers

The winner of this week’s contest is going to win a copy of the book “Find A Way” by former Steelers player and current NFL analyst Merril Hoge.  It’s a great book that belongs on the bookshelf of any Steelers fan.

This week's prize

Okay readers, your turn.  Lets see who can come up with the best haiku about the Steelers-Raiders game.

Are you ready for some haiku?!!

Today’s featured item:

With the holiday’s coming, Steelers gear is sure to be on everyone’s shopping list.  No Steelers fans should be without a basic black Steelers polo shirt.  Why not take the time to buy one for your favorite Steelers fan?

(If you enjoyed this article, please consider leaving a comment by clicking on the square at the top right of this article. Also, please subscribe to our blog by pressing the orange button below. You can also follow us on Twitter by clicking the bird doohicky below. Also consider following us on Facebook. Thanks.)

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No haiku contest this week

November 16, 2010 By: Admin Category: Haiku contests

Ordinarily we would have our weekly haiku contest following a Steelers game.  However, because of the way this game went, I’ve decided to skip this week’s contest.

I’m afraid that fans would totally trash the Steelers, and I just don’t want to be responsible for that.  So rather than encouraging people to write things like this:

William Gay gets burned
The Patriots score again
#$%#%& you, William Gay!

Or like this:

Short pass by Brady
8 yards for the Patriots
Why can’t we stop this?

I’ve decided that it is probably better to simply skip this week’s contest rather than encouraging fans to write things like that.  And I certainly don’t want to offer a prize for writing bad things about the Steelers.  So the haiku contest will begin again next week.  But for now, let’s all just try to forget that nightmare game against the Patriots.

Of course, if you want to go ahead and submit a haiku anyway (for therapeutic reasons), then feel free.  Who am I to limit your right to free speech.  ;-)

A more positive take on the game

Jim Shearer did a very nice job on his video blog, Yinz Luv Da Stillers, this week.  I thought that sharing it with my readers would be a good way to help all of us move past this painful loss.  So here is this week’s episode of Yinz Luv Da Stillers.


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